Happy birthday to Lang’s

In 2021 F G Lang Ltd are celebrating their 75th year of business. Lang’s are based in Grays in Essex, I will give you a brief history of Grays before giving you a brief history of Lang’s. Much more information can be found about Grays, Thurrock and Essex either at the Thurrock local history society website or at the Thurrock museum facebook page. Both of which you may find interesting, especially if you’re are born, and raised, have family or work in Grays and its surrounding area.

Grays in History

Grays, is a town in Essex which was founded by Henry De Grai, who was granted the manor by Richard I in 1195. Three flourishing chalk pits were established in Grays becoming the areas main source of employment and income for hundreds of years. Because of its proximity to the Thames, London and to the North sea, Grays became an ideal place to live and work. Swelling its thriving community from 700 people in the early 1800’s to 19,000 in the early 1930’s and continued to today’s population of close to 67,000 residents.

1940’s High Street

With the end of the second world war, and the huge war machine no longer needing the men or resources. The world and especially the United Kingdom was plunged in a frenzy of growth, needing industry to recuperate and rebuild the remnants of its bombed buildings, towns and cities. Because of innovation in engineering and technology a new surge of industry was heralded the end of the 1940’s. This became a time of expectation and hope after the end of the war and the depression of the 20’s. In darkest Essex, nearby Tilbury free port was expanding exponentially with increased imports and exports striving to rebuild the country. This helped the towns, like Grays, around Tilbury expand with many of the innovations and technology that the war drove.

Frederick Lang’s dream

Grays, became a central hub for newly recovering industry and engineering. In 1946 Frederick Lang founded F G Lang to supply companies within a five to ten mile radius of the company, from heavy industry, the railways,Thurrock power station to the docks and members of the public.

Clarence Road 1900’s

The company was founded at number 14 Clarence Road (where Grays shopping center stands now), starting off with engineering equipment they gradually expanded and started keeping greater stock to keep up with demand, eventually moving in 1967 into larger premises just down the road where they are today at 44 Clarence Road on the corner of Stanley Road. F G Lang’s ended the 60’s on a high note in 1969 when the company became registered as limited.

Circa 1890 Paines Corner (pawnbrokers) on the corner of the High Steet and Clarence Road – closed down in the early 1900’s
Present day 2021 (130 years after the above picture) – Barclays bank on the corner of the High Street and Clarence Road where Paines corner used to stand
High street (North end) Grays

Starting with a handful of customers who needed specialised engineering equipment when Lang’s opened, selling to resellers, industry and the public. Lang’s customer base increased as the company name became well known as the company who “will supply whatever you need!”. Into the present day, Lang’s is even providing IT services and solutions to their clients.

The future

This year marks the 75th anniversary of F G Lang Ltd, with all that has happened with the Corona virus we thought it was only right to celebrate this event, and thank all our customers, family and friends for their support, dedication and loyalty bringing us into our 76th year and the Queen’s platinum jubilee.

Present day – F G Lang’s front door on Stanley Road.

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