Over time, there are more innovations, updates and tweaks in technology.   With an eye on the future, another on the past, and yet another on their competition, Metabo have released (2017) a new battery range.  It’s the new LiHD (lithium ion high demand) battery which is backwards compatible to be used with existing machines and chargers; a policy that Metabo has had since 2009.  Metabo trying to deliver a cordless tool, with the performance of a corded power tool.



What’s the difference between the new and the old technology?


Compared to the old Lithium Ion batteries, the new Lithium HD batteries  have 67% more power, and 100% more run-time!  With an ultra low profile and a 100% compatibility with old chargers and machines.  These look like the perfect upgrade for a already purchased machine.  Here’s what Metabo say themselves.

Revolutinary LiHD high-performance cells: Completely new electromechanical design with significantly stronger conductors, which in combination with more active material, permit a

  • significant increase in the accessible power output
  • resulting in more usable energy for you

Massive power rails capable of handling high currents,
enlarged contact and cell connectors made from a special CU alloy, conduct the current with reduced losses.

Increased run time thanks to:


  • an increase in active cell material
  • high-quality materials (silver and copper) in combination with stronger conductors – this permits a more efficient energy flow


These 18volt batteries come in three AH versions 7AH, 5,5AH and 4AH costing around £110, £85 and £69 respectively.


So what’s next?  What’s next, is the innovation and redesign of Metabo’s power tool line-up to work more efficiently with their new battery.  More efficient power governers, more effecient brushless motors, a change back to a metal or carbon fibre gearbox,  even further and better ergonomic design.  The list is endless, difficult to keep the tool under an affordable price, and this is a problem for a lot of power tool companies.   So stayed tuned for more innovations!

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